Diego Silva Garzón

International Development, Climate Action, Agrarian Worlds and Agricultural Innovation

Diego Silva is a researcher at the Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES)

For more than ten years, I have investigated the ways in which agrarian worlds are transformed by the introduction of technological and market innovations in Latin America, including the development of genetically engineered seeds in Colombia, various climate-smart technologies in Argentina, and the emergence carbon markets in forest and agrarian settings in the region.

Trained in Economics, International Development, and Anthropology (PhD), I am the recipient of the Marcel Roche Award from the Latin American Association for the Social Studies of Science (Esocite) for the best scientific article of 2022, as well as the Lateinamerika Prize from the University of St. Gallen for the best thesis in Latin American studies in 2017, among others. I have had the opportunity to work for 

the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture, Tropenbos, and the Canadian Foundation of the Americas, as well as other governmental and non-governmental institutions.

As part of my academic service and political engagements, I serve as editor of Grassroots, a section of the Journal of Political Ecology dedicated to publishing work about socio-environmental movements. Moreover, since 2016, I have collaborated with the editorial team of Alternautas, an academic journal dedicated to the promotion of Latin American knowledge about development in the English-speaking world.