Academic publications

Galvin Shaila & Silva Diego. The political life of mitigation initiatives: from carbon accounting to carbon accountability. Journal of Peasant Studies 50(6): 2259–2282
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego, Hernandez Nathalia, Holmes Christina. Wounded relational worlds: destruction and resilience of multispecies relationality in the age of climate change. Alternautas 9(1): 129-162.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego. From standard to region-specific monocrops: localizing industrial agriculture through microbes’ taste of place. Tsantsa: Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association 26(1): 18-36.
(Picture designed by Maneki-Neku)

Silva Diego. Keep calm and carry on: climate ready crops and the genetic codification of climate ignorance. Science Technology & Human Values 46(5): 1048–1075.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego. Argentinean agribusiness and the porous agricultural company. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 3(1): 170-189.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego & Gutierrez Laura. Revolturas: resisting multinational seed corporations and legal seed regimes through seed-saving practices in Colombia.
Journal of Peasant Studies 47(4): 674-679.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego. Tres lógicas de acción y reacción para la monopolización de los mercados de semillas en Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Antropología (RCA) 55(2): 9-37.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego. Security and safety in the glyphosate debate: a chemical cocktail for discussion. Alternautas 4(2): 46-59.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego. Going beyond recognition: building a property rights system for indigenous territories. International Affairs Review. Elliot School of International Affairs 20(1): 1-20.
(Picture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego. Analysing the absence of development studies in the developing world. Paterson Review. Norman Paterson School of International Affairs 11 (1): 25-41.
(Picture by Elise Hjalmarson. Latin American Studies lecture by Diego Silva)

Silva Diego & Castellanos Amanda. Going back to the capital controversies: how to forget the problems of economic theory. Econografos-Cuadernos de Economía 1(1): 4-22.

De la Hoz N., Silva D., H. Gutierrez L. Hernandez N., Fladvad B., M. Hasenfratz. Introduction to the special issue “Climate Coloniality.” Journal of Political Ecology. 31(1): 624-635.

Silva Diego & Postero Nancy, eds. Introduction to the special issue “Indigenous and afrodescendant movements and organizations: resisting, performing and re-purposing dominant categories.”
Alternautas 7(1): 9-30.
(Picture by Jovenes Pijao)

Carballo Ana, Giraudo Eugenia, Silva Diego, Waldmuller Johannes, eds. Introduction to the special issue “Agribusiness, (neo) extractivism and food sovereignty: Latin America at a crossroads.” Alternautas 4(2): 4-12.

Batterbury S. & Silva D. “Social justice and publishing in political ecology.” In Apostolopoulou, Collins, Hope, eds. Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology II.

Silva Diego. “Seed activism, patent politics and litigation in the global south”by Karine Peschard.AAG Reviews 11(4): 5-8. 30.

Silva Diego. “Tejiendo las fibras sociales del algodón: crisis y estrategias del mercado laboral en el sector algodonero colombiano.” in Baquero-Melo Jairo, ed. “Territorios, conflictos agrarios y construcción de paz: comunidades, asociatividad y encadenamientos en el Huila y sur del Tolima.” Universidad del Rosario. 2020: 244-286.